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CSR Research: The Value of Corporate Citizenship

gender board diversity

What do gender board quotas achieve?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Quotas increase gender representation on boards, however, companies that are already gender-diverse are more likely to see an increased diversity among managers and commonly only at top levels of leadership

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In cause marketing campaigns, inherent customer generosity is a prerequisite to increasing purchase intent

RESEARCH BRIEF - The more generous a person considers themselves to be—i.e., the degree to which they are willing to give personal resources to others—the more likely they are to express intent to purchase cause-related products.

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CSR Investment and Firm Risk

CSR investment and firm risk: influence of company and country-level factors

RESEARCH BRIEF - CSR investment can lead to a reduction in firm’s systematic risk if the investment is meaningful. The impact of CSR on firm risk is also affected by country-level factors, including national CSR and the legal environment.

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Corporate citizenship as an indicator of financial audit quality

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms that are more socially responsible are more likely to demand high-quality audits.

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Research Briefs

Strong ESG performance adds value to firms in emerging economies

Positive external ESG ratings and corporate citizenship program assessments correlate to improved financial performance for companies in emerging economies.

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Research Briefs

The consumers most likely to punish companies for controversy—and how to win them back

Following a corporate social or environmental controversy, consumers who are less accepting of inequality are more inclined to perceive a company negatively and not purchase its products—however, issuing both an apology and a plan to remedy the situation can mitigate these negative perceptions.

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CSR strategy and consumer trust

CSR can improve consumers’ trust in a brand, making them more likely to purchase its products

Product appeals linked to CSR commitments can lead to higher levels of trust and increased intention to purchase. This is especially true when such appeals are targeted toward consumers who see themselves as having high levels of integrity (in terms of ethics).

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companies with strong financial and social performance

What do firms with strong social AND financial performance have in common?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies that perform better than average financially AND in terms of corporate citizenship tend to be larger and have large boards, a higher percentage of women on boards, and lower leverage.

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CSR in an economic crisis

Regulatory context is key to corporate social performance in an economic crisis

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms located in countries with established rules regarding CSR tend to perform better on corporate citizenship dimensions in an economic crisis, while firms located in more voluntary CSR contexts tend to perform worse.

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wage inequality affects firm performance

Wage inequality is bad for business in the long run

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies that care about long-term profitability and customer satisfaction should reduce wage inequality.

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countries that value CSR

Environmentalism boosts firm performance in markets where consumers value and expect it

RESEARCH BRIEF - There is a positive relationship between environmental and firm performance in countries with this in common...

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corporate citizenship and firm performance

When does corporate citizenship lead to firm performance? Consider your context.

RESEARCH BRIEF - The links between corporate citizenship performance, financial performance, and firm risk.

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