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CSR Research: The Value of Corporate Citizenship


How CSR influences financial performance: A global perspective

RESEARCH BRIEF - In developed economies, improved corporate citizenship performance is linked to improved financial performance. In emerging economies, where institutional and competitive pressures to invest in ESG might be weaker, improved CSR performance is linked to decreased financial performance.

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pick a side

Pick a side: When is it beneficial for brands to advocate with consumers for social issues?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Taking a corporate stance on a polarizing issue can be a differentiator for brands with smaller market share and more competitors, resulting in a potentially increased customer base鈥攈owever, this effect is weakened if the advocacy is perceived to be inauthentic.

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What makes the media more likely to cover unethical corporate behavior?

RESEARCH BRIEF - The media reports on corporate social irresponsibility events significantly more for strong and well-established brands.

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diverse board positive cycle

The virtuous cycle of board diversity and inclusive business practices

RESEARCH BRIEF - Increased board diversity leads to the adoption of management practices that support diversity鈥攁nd vice versa鈥攖his virtuous cycle can result in a more inclusive culture over time.

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CSR transparency linked to increase in corporate payouts

RESEARCH BRIEF - Investor demands and CSR practices are not in conflict, as research shows that transparency of environmental and social practices can increase firm-level payouts on dividends and stock repurchase.

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Worker representation on company boards yields better long-term business results

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms with worker representation on their boards achieved 40 to 50% larger long-term stock results than firms without workers on the board, with comparable wages.

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Key factors that link stakeholder engagement and higher firm performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies adopting stakeholder engagement strategies may increase firm financial performance when the most appropriate engagement strategy is employed.

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Competition laws, norms, and corporate social responsibility

RESEARCH BRIEF - Increased competition spurs increased corporate citizenship investment.

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Unpacking frontline employee attitudes toward CSR programs

RESEARCH BRIEF - The way that frontline employees perceive certain organizational attributes, such as efficient resource management, servant leadership management styles, and organizational citizenship behavior, contribute to their support for CSR programs.

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Negative CSR news may hinder plans for global expansion

RESEARCH BRIEF - Multinational companies based in emerging markets that received negative media coverage of their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance were more likely to have delays and cancellations of their publicly announced cross-border acquisition plans.

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Corporate processes for environmental management linked to improved disclosure

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms that manage and track their environmental impact through BOTH internal operations AND their supply chains have improved environmental disclosure.

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How corporate strategy informs the effectiveness of your CSR approach

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies with strategies dependent on high volume low-cost products and services tend to fare worse on assessments of ethical practice and discretionary commitments to CSR than companies that focus their strategy on customization or differentiation strategies.

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