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CSR Research: Responsible Corporate Leadership


Women CFOs bring lower stock price crash risk

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies with women CFOs have a lower risk of stock price crash than those with men CFOs.

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What gets measured, gets managed: Tying executive compensation to specific corporate citizenship targets can boost social performance鈥攅specially for companies that are lagging

RESEARCH BRIEF - Tying executive compensation to corporate citizenship metrics can help improve corporate social performance.

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Board gender diversity is related to dividend payouts

RESEARCH BRIEF - Board-level gender diversity is associated with a higher likelihood and higher level of dividend payouts to shareholders.

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Consistent policies encourage an ethical corporate culture

RESEARCH BRIEF - Consistently embedding the importance of ethical behavior into all company policies and procedures (e.g., recruitment, training, and compensation) can reduce the risk of unethical behavior by employees across those and other areas.

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Corporate apologies are more effective when made by an individual

RESEARCH BRIEF - When faced with a corporate reputational crisis, consumers are more likely to accept an apology that comes from a single person, especially the CEO.

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Communications tone can reflect a firm鈥檚 likelihood to discriminate

RESEARCH BRIEF - A company that emphasizes performance without indicating expectations for culture in its corporate communications is more likely than firm that emphasizes long-term growth to have managers who may discriminate.

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Companies with a strong corporate citizenship reputation may avoid brand damage during crisis

RESEARCH BRIEF - When consumers perceive a company facing a reputational crisis to be acting in its own self-interest, they are more likely to have negative feelings toward the brand and recommend that others do not use its products.

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Global differences in stakeholder engagement: Individualized vs. collective

RESEARCH BRIEF - There are cross-cultural differences in social norms that influence corporate citizenship approaches.

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Chief sustainability officers

Chief sustainability officers may help companies operate more responsibly

RESEARCH BRIEF - The presence of a chief sustainability officer (CSO) increases a firm's socially responsible activities and decreases its socially irresponsible activities.

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Longer-tenured women advance to executive roles more quickly when firm diversity is low

RESEARCH BRIEF - Women in top leadership positions secure their roles more quickly than their male counterparts the longer they stay at a firm when executive leadership at the firm lacks women.

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Women in top executive positions linked to better financial performance after industry crisis

RESEARCH BRIEF - Evidence from the banking industry suggests that firms with women at top executive levels are associated with better lending performance and lower default risk.

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Gender-diverse boards positively linked with environmental innovation

RESEARCH BRIEF - Board-level gender diversity is positively linked with environmental innovation and this impact is particularly pronounced in those firms with particularly tight margins or environmentally sensitive industries.

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