
Recommendation on Education in Catholic and Jewish Seminaries and Schools of Theology

International Catholic - Jewish Liaison Committee 17th Meeting

New York City, May 4, 2001


Relations between the Catholic Church and the Jewish People have improved significantly in the last half-century. The education of future clergy and lay leaders in both our communities is crucial if coming generations are to sustain and further this progress.

In particular, the curricula of Catholic seminaries and schools of theology should reflect the central importance of the church’s new understanding of its relationship to Jews. To that end, we recommend:

The Jewish community has yet to undertake a similar effort to promote a basic understanding of Christianity. For historic reasons, many Jews find it difficult to overcome generational memories of anti-Semitic oppression. Therefore:

Educational institutions in both our communities should make every effort as appropriate to their particular contexts to expose students to living Jewish or Christian communities through guest lecturers, field trips, involvement in local, national and international dialogue groups and conferences. The resources of the Internet should be utilized, especially sites such as and the sites of various centers for Jewish-Christian understanding.