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Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, WCFIA, Harvard University, 2000-2004 Director of Graduate Studies, Government Department, Cornell University, 2000-03 EDUCATION Ph.D Princeton University (Politics), May 1992 M.A. Princeton University (Politics), January 1989 B.A. Johns Hopkins University, May 1986 -General University Honors -Department Honors (Economics) AWARDS Honorable Mention, Jervis/Schroeder Book Award, International History and Politics Section, APSA, for An Unwritten Future: Realism and Uncertainty in World Politics. Best Book Award, International Security Studies Section, International Studies Association, for Appeasing Bankers: Financial Caution on the Road to War. Stephen and Margery Russell Distinguished Teaching Award, Cornell University. Provosts Award for Distinguished Scholarship, Cornell University. American Political Science Association Helen Dwight Reid Award for best doctoral dissertation submitted in 1992 or 1993 in international relations, law and politics. BOOKS An Unwritten Future: Realism, Uncertainty, and World Politics (Princeton University Press, 2022) Chinese Edition (Shanghai Peoples Publishing House, forthcoming 2025) American Power after the Financial Crisis (Cornell University Press, 2014) Chinese Edition (Shanghai Peoples Publishing House, 2016) Hollywoods Last Golden Age: Politics, Society, and the Seventies Film in America (Cornell University Press, 2012) Appeasing Bankers: Financial Caution on the Road to War (Princeton University Press, 2007) Currency and Coercion: The Political Economy of International Monetary Power (Princeton University Press, 1995) Chinese Edition (Shanghai Peoples Publishing House, 2013) The Downfall of the American Order? (edited volume, co-editor with Peter Katzenstein, Cornell University Press, 2022) When the Movies Mattered: The New Hollywood Revisited (edited volume, co-editor with Jon Lewis, Cornell University Press, 2019) The Great Wall of Money: Power and Politics in Chinas International Monetary Relations (edited volume, co-editor with Eric Helleiner, Cornell University Press, 2014) Chinese Edition (Huaxia Publishing House, 2018) Turkish Edition (Ko University Press, 2018) The Future of the Dollar (edited volume, co-editor with Eric Helleiner, Cornell University Press, 2009) Chinese Edition (Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2012) Globalization and National Security (edited volume, Routledge, 2006) Monetary Orders: Ambiguous Economics, Ubiquitous Politics Power, (edited volume, Cornell University Press, 2003) SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUE At Home Abroad? The Dollars Destiny as a World Currency (Co-editor, special issue of Review of International Political Economy 15:3 (August 2008). PAPERS AND CHAPTERS That Faustian Decade: The Financialization of the American Economy, in G. John Ikenberry/Peter Trubowitz (eds.), Rethinking the 1990s: Liberal World Order-Building in the Aftermath of the Cold War (Oxford University Press, 2025). License Revoked? Welles Studio Films of the mid-Forties, in Jon Lewis (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Film History (Oxford University Press, 2025). Classical Realism is not Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, Analyse & Kritik 46:1 (2024), pp. 237-48. Classical Realism and the Challenge of Global Economic Governance, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 40:2 (2024). Classical Realism in World Politics, Analyse & Kritik 45:2 (2023), pp. 349-62. Economic Foundations of Strategy: Beyond Smith, Hamilton and List, (with Eric Helleiner), in Brands (ed.) The New Makers of Modern Strategy (Princeton, 2023) Keynes and the Elusive Middle Way, in Katzenstein and Kirshner (eds.) The Downfall of the American Order? (Cornell University Press, 2022), pp. 16-34. Introduction, (with Peter Katzenstein), in Katzenstein and Kirshner (eds.) The Downfall of the American Order? pp. 1-15 Gone But Not Forgotten: Trump's Long Shadow and the End of American Credibility, Foreign Affairs 100:2 (March/April 2021). Spanish translation, Foreign Affairs Latinoamrica 21:3 (fall 2021). Realist Foreign Policy: Can We Talk? White Paper, Program for the Study of Realist Foreign Policy, Mershon Center, The Ohio State University, May 2020. Peter Yates: On Location in the New Hollywood, in Palmer,Pomerance,and Lennard(eds.) The Other Hollywood Renaissance (Edinburgh Univ Press, 2020). Offensive Realism, Thucydides Traps, and the Tragedy of Unforced Errors: Classical Realism and USChina Relations, China International Strategy Review 1:1 (June 2019) pp. 51-63. Jasons No Businessman . . . I Think He's an Artist: BBS and the New Hollywood Dream, in Kirshner and Lewis (eds.)When the Movies Mattered: The New Hollywood Revisited(Cornell University Press, 2019), pp. 51-68. Introduction: The New Hollywood Revisited, (with Jon Lewis), in Kirshner and Lewis (eds.) When the Movies Mattered, pp. 1-18. Handle Him with Care: The Importance of Getting Thucydides Right, Security Studies 28:1 (January March 2019), pp. 1-24. Chinese translation, Quarterly Journal of International Politics 4:1 (2019), 53-83. A Mans got to Know His Limitations: The Cop Films from Nixon through Reagan, in Lester Friedman and David Desser (eds.)Tough Aint Enough: New Perspectives on the Films of Clint Eastwood(Rutgers, 2018), pp. 55-74. Dollar Diminution and New Macroeconomic Constraints on American Power, in Jeremi Suri and Benjamin Valentino (eds.), Sustainable Security: Rethinking American National Security Strategy (Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 21-50. Keyness Early Beliefs and Why They Still Matter, Challenge 58:5 (October 2015). The Economic Sins of IR Theory and the Classical Realist Alternative, World Politics 67:1 (January 2015), pp. 155-83. International Relations Then and Now: Why the Great Recession was not the Great Depression, History of Economic Ideas 22:3 (2014), pp. 45-67. Gilpin Approaches War and Change: A Classical Realist in Structural Drag, in G. John Ikenberry (ed.), Power, Order and Change in World Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 131-161. Same as it ever Was? Continuity and Change in the International Monetary System, Review of International Political Economy 21:5 (October 2014). Regional Hegemony and an Emerging RMB Zone, in Helleiner and Kirshner (eds.) The Great Wall of Money (2014), pp. 213-240. The Politics of Chinas International Monetary Relations, in Helleiner and Kirshner (eds.) The Great Wall of Money (2014) (with Eric Helleiner), pp. 1-22. Bringing them all Back Home? Dollar Diminution and U.S. Power, Washington Quarterly 36:3 (summer 2013), pp. 27-45. Reprinted in Art and Jervis (eds.) International Politics, 12th ed. (Pearson, 2014) Reprinted in Art and Jervis (eds.) International Politics, 13th ed. (Pearson, 2016) The Cult of Energy Security and Great Power Rivalry across the Pacific, in Goldstein and Mansfield (eds.), The Nexus of Economics, Security, and International Relations in East Asia (Stanford U. Press, 2012) (with Danielle Cohen), 144-76. The Tragedy of Offensive Realism: Classical Realism and the Rise of China, European Journal of International Relations, 18:1 (March 2012), pp. 52-74. Reprinted in Elman and Jensen (eds.) Realism Reader (Routledge, 2014) Reprinted in Breslin/Freeman/Shen (eds.) China and the World (Sage, 2014) Sovereign Wealth Funds and National Security: The Dog That Will Refuse to Bark, Geopolitics, 14:2 (2009). Keynes, Legacies, and Inquiry, Theory and Society, 38:4 (2009), pp. 527-41. The Future of the Dollar: Whither the Key Currency? in Helleiner and Kirshner (eds.) The Future of the Dollar (2009) (with Eric Helleiner). After the (Relative) fall: Dollar Diminution and the Consequences for American Power, in Helleiner and Kirshner (eds.) The Future of the Dollar (2009). Summing up and Looking Ahead: The Future of the Future of the Dollar, in Helleiner and Kirshner (eds.) The Future of the Dollar (2009) (with Eric Helleiner). Realist Political Economy: Traditional Themes and Contemporary Challenges, in Mark Blyth (ed.), Routledge Handbook of International Political Economy (2009). Globalization, American Power, and International Security, Political Science Quarterly, (fall 2008), pp. 363-89. The Consequences Chinas Economic Rise for Sino-U.S. Relations: Rivalry, Political Conflict, and (Not) War, in Robert Ross and Zhu Feng (eds.) The Rise of China: Theory and Practice (Cornell University Press, 2008), pp. 238-59. Dollar Primacy and American Power: Whats At Stake? Review of International Political Economy 15:3 (August 2008), pp. 418-38. The Changing Calculus of Conflict? Security Studies 16:4 (October-December 2007). Currency and Coercion in the Twenty-First Century, in David Andrews (ed.) International Monetary Power (Cornell University Press, 2006). Money, Capital and Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region, in Ikenberry and Inoguchi (eds.) The Uses of Institutions: U.S., Japan, and Governance in Asia (Palgrave, 2006). Globalization and National Security, in Kirshner (ed.) Globalization and National Security (2006), pp. 1-33. Globalization, Power, and Prospect, in Kirshner (ed.) Globalization and National Security (2006), pp. 321-40. Money is Politics, Review of International Political Economy 10:4 (2003), pp. 645-60. States, Markets and Great Power Relations in the Pacific: Some Realist Expectations, in G. John Ikenberry and Michael Mastanduno (eds.) International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific (Columbia University Press, 2003), pp. 273-98. The Inescapable Politics of Money, in Kirshner (ed.) Monetary Orders (2003). Explaining Choices about Money: Disentangling Power, Ideas and Conflict, in Kirshner (ed.) Monetary Orders (2003). Economic Sanctions: The State of the Art, Security Studies 11:4 (2002), pp. 160-79. The Political Economy of Low Inflation, Journal of Economic Surveys, 15:1 (2001), 41-70. Reprinted in Stuart Sayer (ed.), Issues in New Political Economy Surveys of Recent Research in Economics (Blackwell, 2002) Subverting the Cold War in the 1960s: Dr. Strangelove, The Manchurian Candidate, and Planet of the Apes, Film and History, 31:2 (2001). Rationalist Explanations for War? Security Studies, 10:1 (autumn 2000), pp. 143-50. Reprinted in Matthew Evangelista (ed.), Peace Studies: Critical Concepts in Political Science (Routledge, 2005) The Study of Money, World Politics 52:3 (April 2000), pp. 407-36. Reprinted in Benjamin Cohen (ed.), International Monetary Relations in the New Global Economy (Edward Elgar, 2004) Strategy, Economic Relations, and the Definition of National Interests, Security Studies 9:1 (autumn 1999), pp. 123-62 (with Rawi Abdelal). Reprinted in Jean-Marc F. Blanchard, Edward D. Mansfield and Norrin M. Ripsman (eds.), Power and the Purse (Frank Cass, 2000) Keynes, Capital Mobility, and the Crisis of Embedded Liberalism, Review of International Political Economy 6:3 (autumn 1999), pp. 313-337. The Political Economy of Realism, in Ethan Kapstein and Michael Mastanduno (eds.), Unipolar Politics: Realism and State Strategies after the Cold War (Columbia University Press, 1999), pp. 69-103. Political Economy in Security Studies after the Cold War, Review of International Political Economy 5:1 (spring 1998), pp. 64-91. Reprinted in Hughes and Meng (eds.) Security Studies (Routledge, 2011) Disinflation, Structural Change, and Distribution, Review of Radical Political Economics 30:1 (March 1998), pp. 53-89. The Microfoundations of Economic Sanctions, Security Studies 6:3 (1997), pp. 32-64. SHORTER PAPERS, ESSAYS, REVIEWS AND OPINION (SELECTED) Walking the Tightrope: An interview with Iranian director Mohammad Rasoulof about his latest film,The Seed of the Sacred Fig,Boston Review, January 31, 2025. Trumps America First Is Not Realism,Foreign Affairs, January 22, 2025. Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, Cineaste 50:1 (winter 2024), pp. 58-60. Response to Symposium on An Unwritten Future, H-Diplo/Robert Jervis International Security Studies forum, Roundtable Review 16-9 (October 25, 2024), pp. 29-39. [Introduction by Jack Snyder, commentary by Stacie Goddard, Mariya Grinberg & Barry Posen] The Folly of America First, Unherd, September 23, 2024. How To Come Alive with Norman Mailer, Cineaste 49:4 (fall 2024), pp. 48-49. Secrets, Lies and Censorship: The Revelation of Asghar Farhadis Films, Boston Review, August 14, 2024 Whose Realism is it, Anyway? Blue Blaze, August 11, 2024. It Would Happen This Way: Revisiting Three Days of the Condor,Cineaste49:2 (spring 2024), pp. 22-25. Naming the Unnamed War (Bertrand TaverniersLa Guerre sans Nom), BostonReview, March 7, 2024. Wenders, Canonized,New Left Review Sidecar,February 2, 2024.  Addressing the China Challenge: Realisms Right and Wrong, Los Angeles Review of Books, October 2, 2023.  Krzysztof Kie[lowski s Blue, White and Red: Revisiting the  Three Colors Trilogy, Cineaste 48:4 (fall 2023), pp. 16-20. Rigged Capitalism and the Rise of Pluto-Populism: On Martin Wolfs The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism, Los Angeles Review of Books, May 14, 2023. Its a Good Time to Leave the Persian Gulf, The National Interest, March 22, 2023. Highbrows Enemy (on Quentin TarantinosCinema Speculation) New Left Review Sidecar, February 3, 2023. Le Corbeau, Cineaste 49:1 (winter 2022), pp. 55-56. The Education of Ben Bernanke, Boston Review, August 18, 2022. In Love with the Movies: From New Yorker Films to Lincoln Center Cinemas, Cineaste 48:3 (summer 2022), pp. 74-75. The Party and the Guests, Cineaste 48:3 (summer 2022), pp. 61-62. Misreading Inflation, Boston Review, December 1, 2021. A Very Strong Effect on the World: A Conversation with Phillip Lopate, Los Angeles Review of Books, September 18, 2021. An Artist in Her Own Right: The Cinema of Agnes Varda, Cineaste 46:3 (2021), pp. 4-9. Mike Nichols and the American Century, Boston Review, June 4, 2021. A Very Acute Watcher: A Conversation with David Thomson, Los Angeles Review of Books, March 23, 2021. The Big Goodbye: Chinatown and the Last Years of Hollywood, Bright Lights Film Journal (November 2020). Town Bloody Hall, Cineaste (winter 2020). The Keynesian Revolution, (Review of Zachary Carters The Price of Piece) Boston Review, July 13, 2020. Paul Volcker won his fight on inflationThe Battle to Regulate Big Finance is Ongoing, Washington Post, December 12, 2019. The Man Who Predicted Nazi Germany, New York Times, December 7, 2019. Once Upon a Time . . . In Hollywood,Cineaste45:1 (winter 2019), pp. 49-51. The Fire Last Time, (Review of Firefighting: the Financial Crisis and its Lessons by Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson), Los Angeles Review of Books, July 22, 2019. Whistling Past the Graveyard: Robert Skidelskys Money and Government Boston Review, April 9, 2019. Confessions of a Left-Conservative: Norman Mailer in the Library of America, Los Angeles Review of Books, September 19, 2018. Scenes from a Marriage, Cineaste 44:1 (winter 2018), pp. 67-68. Adam Toozes Crashed: From the Global Financial Crisis to Know-Nothing Nativism, Los Angeles Review of Books, August 16, 2018. Surviving the Emerging Dark Age: Towards a New Counter-Culture, Los Angeles Review of Books, July 18, 2018. Elevator to the Gallows,Cineaste43:3 (Summer 2018), pp. 62-64. Review of Alan Blinder, Advice and Dissent, Washington Post, April 6, 2018. Who Knew it Could Get Worse? When Nixon Haunted the New Hollywood,Cineaste 43:2 (Spring 2018), pp. 30-35. . This is the Spanish Civil War Los Angeles Review of Books, March 17, 2018. Dark Undercurrents: Claude Chabrols Second Wave from Les Biches (1968) to Innocents with Dirty Hands (1975),Bright Lights Film Journal (March 2018). Vietnam 67: When the Wise Men Failed, New York Times, October 31, 2017. The Stranger, Cineaste 43:1 (winter 2017), pp. 63-65. The Obsessions of Hitchcock, Welles, and Kubrick, Boston Review, June 9, 2017. America, America, Los Angeles Review of Books, January 15, 2017. Five Looming Geopolitical Crises of the Trump Administration, Boston Review, January 11, 2017. Trump Could Accelerate the Doom of the Dollar Order, Forbes.com, Dec. 19, 2016. Review of A. O. Scott, Better Living Through Criticism, Film Quarterly 70:2 (winter 2016), pp. 107-109. American Power after the Financial Crisis, new introduction to Chinese language edition of American Power after the Financial Crisis. Systemic Breakdown: The End of Alchemy Los Angeles Review of Books, July 16, 2016 Reviving Progressive Foreign Policy, The National Interest, June 9, 2016 (with Jim Goldgeier). Trump and the End of Everything, Boston Review, June 7, 2016. Review of Woody, The Biography, Cineaste 41:3 (summer 2016). Bringing it all Back to Bob (Gilpin): The International Politics of International Money, ISQ Online, April 19, 2016. Machinations of Wicked Men, Boston Review 42:2 (March/April 2016), pp. 49-55. The International Consequences of Financial Fragility, Current History, 115:777 (January 2016), pp. 23-28. Reprinted in Art/Jervis/Crawford (eds.) International Politics, 14th ed. (2023) Does America Have a Glass Jaw? New York Daily News, December 28, 2015. Woody Allen at Eighty, Bright Lights Film Journal, November 14, 2015. Mathematician, Statesman, Philosopher: The Life of John Maynard Keynes, Los Angeles Review of Books, September 20, 2015. The Confession, Cineaste 40:4 (fall 2015), pp. 60-61. Passive Resistance: The Deceptive Calm of The Silence of the Sea, Film Quarterly 69:1 (fall 2015), pp. 90-92. Back to the Next Great Recession, Los Angeles Review of Books, April 23, 2015. Review, Maxwells Demon and the Golden Apple: Global Discord in the New Millennium, Political Science Quarterly (spring 2015). Bright Lights, Timid City: The Academy Awards Celebrates Hollywoods Conservative Business Culture, New York Daily News Sunday, February 22, 2015, pp. 28-9. ISSF forum on the SSCI and U.S Post-9/11 Policy on Torture, H-Diplo/ISSF Forum 5 (February 2015), pp. 4-9. Geopolitics Watch: Five Big Economic Questions, Forbes.com, February 9, 2015. Jean-Pierre Melvilles Noir Improvisations: Two Men in Manhattan, Les Doulos, Le Deuxieme Souffle, Bright Lights Film Journal, (February 2015). A Great Depression, Again? Introduction to Special Issue, History of Economic Ideas 22:3 (2014) (with Roberto Marchionatti and Jan Kregel), pp. 11-20. Kick Oil When Its Down, Forbes.com, December 16, 2014. Crash Course: Preventing the Next Financial Crisis, Boston Review Sept 26, 2014. Geopolitics after the Global Financial Crisis, International Relations and Security Network, September 2014. Review, Mad as Hell, Cineaste 39:4 (fall 2014), pp. 76-7. The Neoliberal Bailout, Boston Review 39:4 (July/August 2014), pp. 61-65. Late, Great Chabrol, Bright Lights Film Journal (July 2014). International Money Is International Politics, International Relations and Security Network, March 2014. Currency, Enforcement, and Contemporary China, World Economic Review (China) November 4, 2013. Review, Wall Street: A History, Journal of Economic Literature 51 (2013), pp. 903-4. Review, Alfred Hitchcocks America, Screening the Past 37 (October 2013). The Whole World is Watching: Haskell Wexlers Medium Cool on DVD, Bright Lights Film Journal 81 (August 2013). Currency, Coercion, and Contemporary China, preface to Chinese edition of Currency and Coercion: The Political Economy of International Monetary Power (2013). Hard Money Man: Paul Volckers Economy, Boston Review 38:2 (2013), pp. 58-62. Review, The Money Doctors from Japan: Finance, Imperialism, and the Building of the Yen Bloc, 1895-1937, Economic History Review 66:3 (2013), pp. 943-4. Feature Review, Exorbitant Privilege: the Rise and fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System, New Political Economy, 17:4 (2012). Review, An Army of Phantoms, Cinema Journal, 51:4 (summer 2012), pp. 215-8. When Critics Mattered: Kael, Ebert and 70s Film, Boston Review 36:2 (2012), 59-64. Review, Politics and Strategy: Partisan Ambition and American Statecraft, Perspectives on Politics, 10:1 (March 2012). The Great Interwar Crisis and the Collapse of Globalization, H-Diplo Roundtable Review XII: 12 (April 2011). Myth-Telling: The Cult of Energy Insecurity and U.S.-China Relations, Global Asia (Summer 2011) (with Danielle Cohen). Business as Usual: The Next Wall Street Collapse, Boston Review 35:1 (2011), pp. 61-65. The Second Crisis in IPE Theory, in Phillips and Weaver (eds.), International Political Economy: Debating the Past, Present and Future (Routledge, 2010), pp. 203-209. Keynes, Recovered, Boston Review 35:3 (May/June 2010). The Only Thing That Will Work with Iran, Fox Forum May, 21, 2010. Review, Is There a Keynesian High Politics? International Studies Review 9:2 (2007). All the Presidents Men, Film and History 36:2 (spring 2006). Night Moves: America at Middle Age, Film and History 36:1 (fall 2006). Review, The Future of Money, Perspectives on Politics, 3:1 (March 2005). Review, Nixon and the Movies, Film and History 35:1 (fall 2005). U.S. Must Maintain Postwar Goals,  HYPERLINK "https://search-proquest-com.proxy.library.cornell.edu/pubidlinkhandler/sng/pubtitle/The+Ithaca+Journal/$N/45737/DocView/377854426/fulltext/5F5F579524594694PQ/16?accountid=10267" \o "Click to search for more items from this journal" Ithaca Journal April 18, 2003. Winning the Peace is no Easy Task,  HYPERLINK "https://search-proquest-com.proxy.library.cornell.edu/pubidlinkhandler/sng/pubtitle/The+Ithaca+Journal/$N/45737/DocView/377854426/fulltext/5F5F579524594694PQ/16?accountid=10267" \o "Click to search for more items from this journal" Ithaca Journal March 20, 2003. Prevent Defense: Why the Bush Doctrine Will Hurt U.S. Interests, in Iraq and Beyond: The New U.S. National Security Strategy, Occasional Paper 27 Peace Studies Program, Cornell University (January 2003), pp. 1-11. Inflation: Paper Dragon or Trojan Horse? Review of International Political Economy 6:4 (winter 1999), pp. 609-618. NATO Took Best Course of Action, Los Angeles Times, April 16, 1999. Review, Gatekeepers of Growth, Studies in International and Comparative Development, 34:1 (winter 1999), pp. 128-131. Culprit is Unregulated Capital, Los Angeles Times, Sunday, September 13, 1998. Leadership, Political Economy, and Economic History: Forum The Influence of Charles Kindleberger on International Relations, Mershon International Review 41:2 (1997) also initiated and organized the forum. Review: The Gold Standard: One Thumb Up, One Thumb Down, Mershon International Review 40:2 (October 1996), pp. 327-331. Alfred Hitchcock and the Art of Research, PS: Political Science and Politics, 29:3 (September 1996), pp. 511-13. SELECTED TALKS AND PRESENTATIONS SOME HIGHLIGHTS Listening to Thucydides: Contingency, Chance and Catastrophe in Contemporary World Politics 15th annual Kenneth Waltz lecture, Columbia University, November 21, 2024. The End of The American Order and Why You will Miss It, Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College, January 19, 2024. Global Reverberations, Money as a Democratic Medium, co-sponsored by Harvard Law School and the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, June 17, 2023. Economic Warfare Begins at Home, Keynote address for Economic Warfare: What Can World War One Tell us about 21st Century Conflicts? Rhodes Center/Watson Institute, Brown University, April 16, 2021. Political Economy and International Security: The State of the Art, Inaugural Address for Northeastern Consortium on Economics and Security, Watson Institute, Brown University, February 2016. The Global Financial Crisis: How It Changed the World, TEDx, Hunter College Campus Schools, October 3, 2015. American Power after the Financial Crisis, Annual Farrell Lecture, Northwestern University, May 8, 2015. The Power of Money, Clough Center for the Study of Democracy, Boston College, April 25, 2014. International Relations, Then and Now, A Great Depression, Again? Re-Thinking World Relationships, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Turin, Italy, October 3, 2013. From the Berlin Wall to Lehman Brothers: Ideology, Interest, and the American Global Financial Order, Nobel Institute, Oslo Norway, June 13, 2013. Crisis and Change in the Global Monetary System, Keynote address, Ghent Institute for International Studies, Ghent, Belgium, March 20, 2013. American Power After the Financial Crisis, Inaugural World Politics Lecture, Princeton University, March 4, 2013. 9-11 at Ten: What Have we Learned? Lund Critical Debate, Einaudi Center, Cornell University, September 12, 2011. Power Transition, Twenty-First Century Style: Making Conflict, Not War, Keynote Address, Annual Meeting of the Peace Research Institute of Frankfurt, October 22, 2010. John Maynard Keynes and the Creation of the Postwar World, Critical Texts of the Twentieth Century, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, November 10, 2006. FELLOWSHIPS World Politics Visiting Fellow, PIIRS, Princeton University, 2012-2013. Nobel Institute, Visiting Fellow, Oslo, May-June 2013. Visiting Fellow, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, 2005-2006. Post-Doctoral Fellowship, John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Weatherhead Center For International Affairs, Harvard University, 1999-2000. Peace Studies Program, Cornell University, Faculty Research Grants, summer 1997, summer 1993. Summer Institute on International Economy and National Politics, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, summer 1994. Visiting Scholar, Center for International Studies, University of Southern California, 1991-92. Center of International Studies, Princeton University, Sumitomo Bank Fund Dissertation Fellowship, Summer 1991. Olin Dissertation Fellowship in National Security, John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Center For International Affairs, Harvard University, 1990-1991. Institute for the Study of World Politics, Dissertation Fellowship, Summer 1990. Ford Foundation Fellowship in European Society and Western Security, Center For International Affairs, Harvard University, 1989-1990 Mellon Seminar Participant: Women and the Cinematic Image, Princeton University, summer 1989. COURSES GRADUATE: UNDERGRADUATE: -International Political Economy -Realist Theories of International Relations -Political Economy and National Security -Politics of the Seventies Film -Field Seminar in International Relations -Politics of International Money and Finance -Political Economy -Keynes in His Timeand Ours -Listening to Thucydides -A Cinema of Dissent -Introduction to International Relations -International Political Economy      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 11 #%3DEUVdeuv{|}   xtphC"h.UhIhI6 hIhIhIh$3v h"6h"hz( hz(CJhGphOaJhGphC"aJhGphGpaJ*hGphGpB*aJfHphq hGph@hC"CJ hC"CJh@h rCJ hO56hO hO5*$%EVe|T `gdI`gdGp ^`gdz(`gdz( ^`gdGpgdC"$a$gd r$a$ d e  > ?   , J l m t u  ^`gd"^gd"gd"^gdGp^  * 0 A _ c e > / k m s u v   m p NO.=>RSY¾ҲҪ𞙞hmH4hEh \ hE6 h \6 h956hxhC hh h6hh hV\hV\6hV\h,V hO6CJh>_hC" hO56h"hOhuvh9zhZ6   o NOSa01^gd^Q^gd\ ^`gdS\ ^`gdmH4^gd.U^`gdV\YZ_a*.01=QĿĻytpl\hK+5hO6CJOJQJaJh7Kh\ h\6 hh^QhZh^Qhh^Q6 hZ6 hIh^QhyECJOJQJ^JhIhICJOJQJ^Jh hzA hET6 hzA6 h \6 h \hS\hS\hS\CJOJQJ^JhIhS\CJOJQJ^Jh \hEh^50Rw+,?Z^gdK ^`gd+j`gd+j ^`gdk\`gdk\^gd*gdI ^`gd\^gd\^gd^QQSWvwy )*,apdXpI7#h+jh+j0JCJOJQJ]aJhk\0JCJOJQJ]aJhECJOJQJaJhk\CJOJQJaJhk\hk\CJOJQJaJhE6CJOJQJaJhk\hk\6CJOJQJaJh \CJOJQJ^Jh=lCJOJQJ^Jh CJOJQJ^Jh*CJOJQJ^Jh*hK+5hzACJOJQJaJhK+5hOCJOJQJaJ!hK+56CJOJQJaJmH sH a ?@Z\m½½¹¹zk_kXTOT h96h9 hyEhyEhC"CJOJQJ^JhyEhyECJOJQJ^JhICJOJQJ^Jh@O;CJOJQJ^JhIhICJOJQJ\^JhIhICJOJQJ^JhIhjhK hg6 hK6hKCJOJQJ^Jh+jhBICJOJQJaJh+jh+jCJOJQJaJh+jh \CJOJQJaJZ 'tu ./0FG`gd9gdt^gd,^gd <gdg^ ^`gdyE^gdK   #'(*9;lnqrstu  +,-./0EGҢҞxqjfht ht56 h>j56 hhhzAh2,5 h\6h\ hO6h < h <6hOhgCJOJQJ^JaJ hghgCJOJQJ^JaJ hgh CJOJQJ^JaJ hgh/+CJOJQJ^JaJh/+hg h6hhZh9hj$Gabh&,.128:[gmstz{|}~ûwjwjwbhY8PJaJhH6CJOJQJaJh3FhH6CJOJQJaJhHCJOJQJaJh3FhHCJOJQJaJh3FhHPJhS\PJaJh3FhH6hHPJaJhy* hO56 h>j56 hS\aJ hg{aJ h96aJ h9aJ hE6aJh9h96aJ&F2|}>^_ST`gd`gd ^`gdY8`gdY8 ^`gdH`gdH ^`gdH^gdH`gdH~,/Q]_#ᵥጀthXhmH4hmH46CJOJQJaJhmH4CJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJh h 6PJaJh h PJaJhY86\]aJmH sH hY8hY8\]aJmH sH hY8\]aJmH sH hx?PJaJh hY8PJaJh hY86PJaJhY8PJaJhY8hY86PJaJhY8hY8PJaJ#'@BQTUv<IJ`i־znbUnEUEnhk\h9^6CJOJQJaJh9^6CJOJQJaJh @CJOJQJaJh9^CJOJQJaJhECJOJQJaJh%CJOJQJaJh6CJOJQJaJhk\h6CJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh^50CJOJQJaJhmH4CJOJQJaJhmH4hmH46CJOJQJaJh^506CJOJQJaJJjk/0fg`gdz(`gd ^`gdqgdq ^`gd 0`gdE ^`gd9^^gd9^gd9^ ^`gdijl!*,/01yjfWKWKW<hqhCJOJQJaJhqCJOJQJaJhqhqCJOJQJaJhqhEh 0CJOJQJaJhv [CJOJQJ^Jh 06CJOJQJ^Jh 0CJOJQJ^JhEB*CJOJQJaJph!!!%hEhEB*CJOJQJaJph!!!)hEhE0JB*CJOJQJaJph!!!hEhECJOJQJaJhECJOJQJaJh9^h9^CJOJQJaJ(Hdeg$%RSnovwƺƪƺƞƕp_p__Mp#h+jh+j0JCJOJQJ]aJ h+j0J5CJOJQJ\aJ h0J5CJOJQJ\aJ&h+jh+j0J5CJOJQJ\aJhz(hz(aJhCJOJQJaJhz(hz(6CJOJQJaJhz(CJOJQJaJhz(hz(CJOJQJaJh @CJOJQJaJhh6CJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJoP}~OP1 2 gdJ_`gdJ_ ^`gdBI ^`gdC"`gd4gdm> ^`gd+j`gd+j`gdJ_ ^`gdz('Xp{|}~;FϽ|w|sosh\P\@\hBIhBI6CJOJQJ^Jh+jCJOJQJ^JhBICJOJQJ^J hJ_h \hBIhJ_ hC"6 hJ_6h \h+jh+jh+jCJOJQJaJ&h+jh+j0J5CJOJQJ\aJ h40J6CJOJQJ]aJ#h+jh40JCJOJQJ]aJ h40J5CJOJQJ\aJhm>0JCJOJQJ]aJ hm>0J5CJOJQJ\aJFMNOPZ] $ & 0 1 2 { ͻyjyjy[LEAhI hIhIhJ_hJ_CJOJQJaJhJ_h \CJOJQJaJhJ_0JCJOJQJ\aJ#hJ_hJ_0JCJOJQJ\aJhJ_0J5CJOJQJaJhU0J5CJOJQJaJ#hJ_ha@0J5CJOJQJaJ#hJ_hJ_0J5CJOJQJaJhC"0J5CJOJQJaJhBICJOJQJ^JhfZCJOJQJ^Jhz(CJOJQJ^J2  ! !s!t!!!!A"""""#I#J####0$^$_$$`gdK`gdkx`gdkx`gd gdI`gdI !!!!!! !T!]!q!r!s!t!!!!!!!@"B"L"N"O"h"i"o"鸬sddddSd h/ph/p0JCJOJQJaJh/ph/pCJOJQJaJh2|CJOJQJaJh/p6CJOJQJaJh/pCJOJQJaJhICJOJQJaJhkxmH sH h(,hI6mH sH hIhImH sH hY0J5]aJhI0J56]aJhIhI0J56]aJhIhI0J5]aJhIhIaJ o"s"t"""""""""###!#$#:#H#I#J#K#V#Z#####;͢{͢oc]TNT]T] hOaJhuvhkxaJ hkxaJh CJOJQJaJhkxCJOJQJaJht^5CJOJQJaJh E5CJOJQJaJht^6CJOJQJaJht^CJOJQJaJhh 6CJOJQJaJhh CJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJh2|CJOJQJaJh/pCJOJQJaJh/ph/pCJOJQJaJ#####$1$I$O$]$^$_$`$$$$$$$$$@%K%M%V%W%u%v%x%Ŷuh[h[uOh*CJOJQJaJhK6CJOJQJaJh 6CJOJQJaJh CJOJQJaJhk~] hK6ht^hK ht^aJ hKaJhKCJOJQJaJhk~]CJOJQJaJhKhkxCJOJQJaJhKhkx6CJOJQJaJhkxhkxCJOJQJaJ hkxaJhuvhkxaJhuvhkx6]aJ$$$L%v%% &!&y&&''n'''E(F(((())\)`gdy*`gd^Q`gdzw ^`gdb$[`gd `gdKx%%%%%%%%%%% & &&& &!&"&V&\&m&n&x&z&&&&&&&&&ȝxtptltltltb[bVQ hZ\ hzw\ h^Q6\hzwhzw6\h^Qhp hzw hzwhzwh hb$[CJOJQJaJhb$[hb$[CJOJQJaJhb$[hb$[6CJOJQJ^Jhb$[CJOJQJ^Jhb$[hb$[CJOJQJ^J"hb$[hb$[6CJH*OJQJ^Jhb$[6CJOJQJ^Jh*6CJOJQJ^Jh*CJOJQJ^J&&& ''''d'''''''''(((((((#($(7(8(?(D(E(F((((((((ķītplhlcl_lhx h,V6h)fh,Vhzwht^h*CJOJQJ^Jha[6CJOJQJ^Jha[ha[CJOJQJ^Jha[CJOJQJ^Jh*CJOJQJ^Jht^6CJOJQJ^Jht^CJOJQJ^JhKCJOJQJ^JhK h)fh^Q h^Q6h^Q hZ\ h^Q\ hzw\%(((((((((((())))])v)))))*)*0*1*w*x****+ +9+n+v+w+x++++++++++++++++͹h,h/+h EhZh@ hd)6h;uhd)h*5 h,Vh,V h,V6 hihih)fhO hi6hi h9h9hk~]hL#h h96hh9 h,Vhxh,Vhx4\))))1*2****++w+x++++E,,,,)-\-]---gd,`gd.B.|.}......hPFhM1hh)f haqh.B....L/g/h////A0B004151111`gd[c^gdI gdagd2,5 ^`gd[cgd ;Q`gdM1gd, ^`gdy*`gdy*..........//0/K/L/T/[/f/g/l/m/////////////////'05090A0B0F0000000011314151W1X1l1{111Ƚڮh.>hI h2,56h2,5h rh ;QCJaJh? 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