Campion 223
Telephone: 617-552-1699
Email: andres.castrosamayoa@bc.edu
Diversity in Higher Education
Data Literacy
Framing and use of Social Identities in Higher Education Research and Policy, Culturally Responsive Practices within Minority Serving Institutions.
Andrés Castro Samayoa’s work enhances experiences for students of color from under-resourced communities—specifically focusing on Hispanic-serving institutions. His expertise includes the social history of large-scale datasets in post-secondary education; educational researchers' use of data to explore issues of diversity; and the institutionalization of services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and transgender students.
Previously, Castro Samayoa served as assistant director for assessment at the Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions. His current projects concentrate on diversifying the teaching profession at the K–12 and post-secondary levels. One of these projects explores the ways Hispanic-serving institutions diversify faculty in the humanities and social sciences.
He earned his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, his master’s degree from Cambridge University, and his doctoral degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Association for the Study of Higher Education as well as the American Educational Research Association.
Edited Books
Referred Articles
Book Chapters
Castro, Samayoa, A.(PI). (2020-2021). Tracing the shifting rhetoric of ethnoracial difference in federal responses to education, 1958-2018. HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) Advanced Collaborative Support Grant.[6-month external in-kind technical support granted for project]
Castro, Samayoa, A.(PI), Nguyen, B-M.D., Nguyten, T. (2020-2022). Between the public good & racialized animus: Public universities’ responses to influenza pandemics, 1957-2022.The Spencer Foundation COVID-19 Grant. $49,556.15
Castro Samayoa, A.(PI) & Muñiz, R. (Co-PI) (2019-2020). What’s the worth of a legal education today? Using normative case studies to examine Latinx students’ articulations of the value proposition of law schools across differently-institutions. The Spencer Foundation. $49,958
Castro Samayoa, A., (PI), Muñiz, R., (Co-PI)., Gates, E., (Co-PI). (2019). What’s it all for? Exploring how Latinx students and university officials at differently-ranked law schools articulate legal education's value through normative case studies. AccessLex Institute & American Institutional Research Research Grant. $49,978. RG-27563.
Castro Samayoa, A. (PI). (2018). Narrating Boston College’s Pursuit of Social Justice: Networks of Alumni Voices Informing Future Higher Education Practitioners. Teaching, Advising & Mentorship Grant. Boston College. $10,000.
Gasman, M. (PI) & Castro Samayoa, A. (Co-PI). (2017). Strengthening preparation for junior faculty at Minority Serving Institutions. University Research Foundation Award. $3,000.
Gasman, M. (PI) & Castro Samayoa, A. (Co-PI). (2016). Propelling More Underrepresented Students toward Success in STEM Careers by Strengthening Minority Serving Institutions. National Academy of Sciences. $133,000.
Gasman, M. (PI), Castro Samayoa, A. (Co-PI) & Esmieu. P. (Co-PI). (2016-2020). Hispanic Serving Institutions: Pathways to the Professoriate. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. $5,100,000.
Gasman, M. (PI) & Castro Samayoa, A. (Co-PI). (2014-2016). Understanding Teacher Education at Minority Serving Institutions and its Impact on Local Communities. W.K. Kellogg Foundation. $750,000.
Gasman, M. (PI) & Castro Samayoa, A. (Co-PI). (2014-2015). Understanding Ph.D. Pipelines for Latinos/as: The Role of Hispanic Serving Institutions. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. $100,000.
Member, Diversity Scholars Network, 2019
Faculty Fellow, American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, 2018-2019
Nordic Centre of Excellence Justice Through Education in the Nordic Countries Travel Grant, 2016
Duberman-Zal Fellowship, CLAGS: The Center for LGBTQ Studies in New York City, 2016
Nordic Centre of Excellence Justice Through Education in the Nordic Countries Travel Grant, 2015
Eric Rofes Travel Grant, Queer Studies Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association, 2015
Fellow, Salzburg Global Seminar, 2014
Eric Rofes Memorial Scholarship, The National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change, 2014