Email: Izquiel@bc.edu
Mental health with underprivileged populations; clinical-community interventions; and resilience.
Maria Carolina Izquiel is a Clinical social worker with certificates in trauma and clinical work with the Latinx community. In Venezuela, her country of origin, she was trained as a licensed psychologist with a master鈥檚 in clinical psychology.
She has over 20 years of experience as a licensed psychotherapist working specifically with underprivileged populations. She worked as a supervisor in the Clinical Psychology Master鈥檚 Program at the聽Universidad Cat贸lica Andr茅s Bello of Caracas for nine years and was a professor of developmental psychology and school psychology at that same university.
Her research work on resilience in contexts of poverty in Venezuela was published as a book and distributed to the country's universities. In the United States, she has published articles on community clinical psychology and global peace.
At Boston College, she designed the course 鈥淎dvanced Clinal Practice with Latinx Populations鈥 and teaches it at the School of Social Work, along with courses for the training of community leaders at the School of Theology and Ministry.
She works as a psychotherapist for the Latinx Team in the Psychiatry Department at Cambridge Health Alliance and in private practice.
"A Community Struggle: Developing a Global and Cultural Approach" in a book titled "Toward a Global and Cultural Psychotherapy: Theoretical Foundations, Clinical Implications, and Beyond" by Martin La Roche. Cognella, Inc., 2019.
"From a Junkyard to a Peace Promotion Sports Park: A Transdisciplinary Approach" (First Author) in a book titled "Active Promotion of Peace: Global Perspectives on Personal Peace, Children and Adolescents, and Social Justice." Springer International Press. 2019
"Resilience and Adolescence: A Study on The Experience of Teenagers with Academic Achievement in the Context of Poverty." Caracas. Consejo Municipal de Derechos del Ni帽o, Ni帽a y del Adolescente de Chacao. Venezuela. 2008.
Minority Fellowship 2020-2021 grant year. Council on Social Work Education.
Latinx Community Award. Boston College School of Social Work. 2021.
Honorable Mention. International Competition: Urban Development and Social Inclusion. Corporaci贸n Andina de Fomento - CAF. 2012.
National Award for Research on Children and Adolescents (2008). This recognition involved the publication of the research "Resilience and Adolescence: A Study on The Experience of Teenagers with Academic Achievement in the Context of Poverty." Caracas. Consejo Municipal de Derechos del Ni帽o, Ni帽a y del Adolescente de Chacao. Venezuela.
LICSW in a hospital setting.
Psychotherapist in private practice.聽