McGuinn Hall 208D
Telephone: 617-552-4029
Email: jessica.mccabe.99@bc.edu
Poverty and homelessness prevention, macro social work, and program evaluation
Jessica K. M. Johnson, PhD, MPA, LCSW, studies poverty and homelessness prevention. She is currently coordinating a research-practice partnership between Boston College School of Social Work, United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley, FamilyAid Boston, and Boston Public Schools to evaluate the impact of an early family homelessness prevention intervention. She also has a longstanding interest in strategies to expand access to social security in rural parts of low-income countries.
Prior to teaching at the Boston College School of Social Work, Dr. Johnson taught at New York University and Boston University and worked at the New York City Department of Homeless Services. She tremendously enjoys teaching and working with students.
Shen, C., Johnson, J.K.M., Chi, Z., & Williamson, J.B. (2020). Does a universal non-contributory social pension make sense for rural China? International Social Security Review 73(2): 3-26.
Johnson, J.K.M., Sarkisian, N., & Williamson, J.B. (2015). Using a micro-level model to generate a macro-level model of productive successful aging. The Gerontologist 55(1): 107-119.
Giunta, N. & Johnson, J.K.M. (January, 2013). Unmet Needs of Homebound Urban Elders: The Role of Economic Security, Living Alone, and Case Management. Society for Social Work and Research. San Diego, California.
Johnson, J.K.M. (January, 2011). A Cross-National Analysis of Productive Aging. Society for Social Work and Research, Tampa, Florida.
Johnson, J.K.M. (July, 2009). A Cross-National Analysis of Labor Force Participation and Life Expectancy among Older Adults. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, France.
Johnson, J.K.M. & Williamson, J.B. (2008). An assessment of the importance and feasibility of universal non-contributory pension schemes for low-income countries. In P. Kemp & K. Van den Bosch (Eds.), International studies on social security: Vol. 13. Social protection in an ageing world. Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia.