Telephone: 617-552-2017
Email: allison.young.2@bc.edu
Nanomaterial design and synthesis utilizing non-precious transition metals for application in catalysis through an above, inclusion of MOFs, and below, alloyed, core-shell, and intermetallic, approach. 聽
Professor Young is a physical chemist with an interest and focus in materials science with energy applications. This interest led to the study of nanomaterials for catalytic applications in fuel cell technologies, with particular focus in electrochemistry and gas phase catalysis, as well as the study of the catalytic surfaces and structures using an above and below approach to tune activities. Through nanoparticle synthesis utilizing transition metals and catalytic surface tuning, Professor Young focused on oxygen reduction catalysis. Incorporating metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as molecular sieves on the surface of nanoparticles, product selectivity towards fine chemicals was studied. As a member of the teaching faculty, Professor Young has helped develop the honors program for undergraduate studies by emphasizing the use of chemistry in the modern world by including modern examples in lectures and incorporating a scientific literature aspect, including the use of databases and literature searches.