Email: dennis.shirley@bc.edu
I am interested in ways that students engage with learning and ways that their well-being can be promoted.
Dr. Shirley is not currently accepting Ph.D. students.
I study educational change as it is enacted in individual schools, across school systems, and in new online digital learning environments as well. Recently I have worked with colleagues to create our new Lynch School undergraduate degree in Transformative Educational Studies and our new online master's degree in Global Perspectives: Teaching, Curricula, and Learning Environments.
In 2021, I published "Five Paths of Student Engagement: Blazing New Trails to Learning and Success" (Solution Tree) and "Well-being in Schools: Three Forces for Uplifting Your Students in Volatile Times (ASCD). Both of these books are co-authored with Andy Hargreaves and both are the result of studies we conducted in Canada and the US.
Along with my Lynch School colleagues Professor Deoksoon Kim and Dean Stanton Wortham, I've received grant funding to study 16 innovative schools in a change network based in Seoul, South Korea.
I am a recipient of a Richard von Weizs盲cker Fellowship from the Bosch Foundation in Berlin, Germany and a Research Fellowship from the Royal Academic of Arts, Science and Manufacturing Foundation in London, England.
This year I have offered webinars to colleagues in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Norway, and Singapore. These have focused on the research generated in the two new books.