Professor, Galligan Chair of Strategy, and Carroll School Scholar of Corporate Responsibility
Fulton Hall?414A
Telephone: 617.552.0477
Email: waddock@bc.edu
System Transformation; Stewardship of the Future; Memes and Narratives; Intellectual Shamannism; Management Education; and Cross Sector Collaboration.
Sandra Waddock is Galligan Chair of Strategy, Carroll School Scholar of Corporate Responsibility, and Professor of Management at the Carroll School of Management at Boston College. Waddock teaches a University Capstone Course entitled "Leadership and Mindfulness." She has published more than 180 papers and book chapters and 16 books (as of 2023) on topics ranging from the catalyzing transformation, healing the world, intellectual shamanism, and corporate citizenship and responsibility, among others. Current research interests are system transformation, stewardship of the future, memes and narratives, intellectual shamanism, management education, and cross sector collaboration, among others.
Waddock has received numerous lifetime achievement awards including the PRME Pioneer Awards for leadership in 2017, the Lifetime Achievement CSR Award in 2016 from Humboldt-Universit?t Berlin, School of Business and Economics, 7th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, and the 2015 Humanistic Management Leadership award, among others. Her book Intellectual Shamans received the 2018 Humanistic Management Association’s Best Book Award for pedagogy and policy, and The Difference Makers received the Social Issues in Management Best Book Award in 2011. Her book Catalyzing Transformation: Making System Change Happen (Business Expert Press, 2023) describes an innovative process for bringing about transformative change towards just, inclusive, and equitable societies in a flourishing natural world.
Waddock has been a visiting scholar at the Harvard Kennedy School (twice), the Darden Graduate School of Business at Griffith University (Brisbane, Australia), and the University of Pretoria South Africa Centre for Responsible Leadership, among others. She served as Distinguished Lecturer at Kansas State University and as co-Verizon professor at Bentley University, among others. At Boston College, she co-founded the former Leadership for Change Program and the Initiative for Responsible Investment (now at Harvard Kennedy School’s Hauser Center). She serves on editorial boards of numerous journals in the business in society arena, and has guest edited special issues for Business & Society, Organization & Environment, The Journal of Corporate Citizenship (and was editor of from 2002-2004), among others.
Her papers have appeared in Sustainability, Organization & Environment, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Academy of Management Executive, Strategic Management Journal, Business & Society, Management Learning, Humanistic Management Journal, Futures, Cadmus, Journal of Management for Global Sustainability, Journal of Awareness-Based System Change, Business and Society Review, and The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, among numerous other outlets. Her 1997 paper with Samuel B. Graves entitled "Quality of Management and Quality of Stakeholder Relations: Are They Synonymous?" was the recipient of the 1997 Moskowitz Prize given by the Social Investment Forum.
Waddock received her BA from Northeastern University, an MA degree in English Literature from Boston College, and both her MBA (1979) and DBA (1985) from Boston University. She has been appointed to a three-year term on the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Transformative Change Assessment (2022-2025), served for three years on the founding steward team of the?Bounce Beyond Initiative (2020-2022), and as a member of the Global Assessment for a New Economics (GANE) team, among other appointments.
“.” New York: Business Expert Press. 2023.
“.” New York: Business Expert Press. 2020.?
“.” (WithDavid Wasieleski, Sandra Waddock, and Paul Shrivastava.) Routledge: Abington-on-Thames. 2020. Finalist, SIM Best Book Award, 2021. Finalist nominee, Social Issues in Management Division, Academy of Management, Best Book Awards, 2021.
“.” (With Lawrence J. Lad, and Judith A. Clair.) Online book, Global Jesuit Case Series. 2018.?
“.” Routledge. 2017.
“.” Cambridge University Press. 2014.?
“.” (With Andreas Rasche.) Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. 2012.?
“.” (With Malcolm McIntosh.) Routledge. 2011.?
“.” Routledge. 2008.?Social Issues in Management Division, Academy of Management, Best Book Award, 2011
“” (With Chris Riedy.) Futures, 142, 10310 (1-16). September, 2020.?
“.” (With Steve Waddell.) Journal of Management for Global Sustainability, 10 (1), 23-46. September, 2022.?
“” (With Ju Young Lee.) Sustainability, 13, 9813. September, 2021.?
‘.’ Humanistic Management Journal, 6, 151-167. June, 2021.?
“” Sustainability, 12, 7553. September, 2020.?
“” (With Edwina Pio.) Management Learning, 52 (3), 1-19. July 2021.?
“” Sustainability, 12 (15), 6083. July 2020.?
“.” Global Sustainability, 3 (12), 1-12. April, 2020.?
“” Journal of Change Management, 20 (2), 189-201. March, 2020.?
“” Rutgers Business Review, 5 (2), 194-202. 2020.?
“.” In Dirk C. Moosmayer, Oliver Laasch, Carole Parkes, and Kenneth G. Brown (eds.) . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Reference, 394-425.?
“” (With Steve Waddell, Bruce Goldstein, Bj?rn Ola-Linnér, Niko Sch?pke, and Coleen Vogel.)? In Alistair Scrutton (eds.) Future Earth, 82-89. 2020.?
“.” (With Jegoo Lee.) In James Weber and David M. Wasieleski (eds.) Bingley, UK: Emerald Insight, 4, 215-236. 2020.?
“” (With Steve Waddell.). In David Wasieleski and James Weber (Eds.) . Bingley, UK: Emerald Insight, 4, 43-55. 2020.?